Technical Storytelling


Welcome to Technical Storytelling. This course will help you deliver excellent presentations in-person, on screen, on video and in hybrid meetings. Browse through the details below and check out the video for a little bit of sizzle.


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Course Benefits

We improve communication skills, leadership skills, presentation skills and technical storytelling for people in the Tech and Digital sectors. Choose from online courses, great events and a thriving community to help you develop.

Everyone can learn these skills. Sometimes we think they're gifts you're born with. They are not.

Whether you're an individual that wants to develop themselves, or a large organisation that wants a program for it's staff, we can help.

Increase Your Impact


Have a greater impact on the things you care about.

Lead People


Lead others to success. Have people listen to and act on your opinion.

Bring Complex Ideas to Life


Make them simple and engaging.

Accelerate Your Career


Get the jobs you want and be successful in them.

Course Content




  • How to understand your audience and wow them.
  • How to modify content for technical and business audiences.
  • How to ensure your communication is memorable, retained and drives action.




  • How to build a great structure
  • Deciding what and what not to say
  • How to build great visual aids
  • How to build memorable demos





  • Foundation Presentation Skills
  • Identifying Your Style
  • How to be authentic with skill
  • Dealing with Nerves
  • Managing Your Body





  • Thrive in Hybrid in-person AND digital presentations
  • Deliver excellent in-person presentations
  • Present amazingly in video conferences
  • Create excellent recorded videos



Free Trial Lesson


Our gift to you.  A free taster of the Technical Storytelling course.  Check this out to see the delivery style and quality of the content. 

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1 Year Technical Storytelling - Full Access

£347 + VAT

Learn At Your Pace

  • 1 Year Full Access to Technical Storytelling course
  • Top quality video lessons
  • Exercises and Labs to develop your skills
  • Access Technical Storytelling private community
  • Worked examples to bring lessons to life
  • Access to all new lessons added throughout subscription
  • Join Learning Circles for feedback and practice
  • Access to book 1:1 coaching and live event sessions
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Technical Storytelling - 8 week Cohort

£347 + VAT

Learn With Others

  • 8 week course
  • Live Kick Off Keynote
  • Top quality weekly lessons
  • Weekly exercises and labs to develop your skills
  • Learning community learning at the same pace as you
  • 1 years full access to Technical Storytelling On-Demand content.
  • Access Technical Storytelling private community
  • Access to book 1:1 coaching and live event sessions
  • Next Cohort Start Date - TBD
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