EYN#024 - 3 "Small" Things Almost Ruined Tech Show London For Me. Learn From My Experience

Mar 05, 2024

This week I`m delivering 3 sessions at Tech Show London. It's a huge conference at ExCel and if you're there let me know. Come say hello.


As I've been preparing for these sessions, 3 small things almost tripped me up … big time. They could have had a huge impact on my delivery at a huge event. Nightmare.


So here's the trip hazards and some top tips that helped me find and mitigate the issues.


Challenge 1: No Monitors for PowerPoint Presenter Notes.

I'm delivering on 3 different stages at the event, and one of the questions I asked to the organising team was "Do all stages have monitors at the front of the stages for PowerPoint notes".


The answer surprised me … "No".


I'd assumed that at an event this size they all would have monitors for the presenter

2 of the sessions I can deliver pretty well without any notes, but one has got some very specific points and I will need to reference them. That could have been embarrassing. Turning up with no notes, no screen and no ability to remember the detail.

I now know I need some presenter cards with the questions and data points I need to reference.


Challenge 2: Video Doesn’t Work On Show Machine

I want to play a video to help raise the level of engagement with the audience. I sent the PowerPoint to the event organisers a few weeks ago with the video embedded in the deck. They thankfully checked the slide deck and found the video didn't play on their show machines.

We did a bit of troubleshooting and I had created the video using a codec that's not installed by default on Windows 11. Another potentially embarrassing situation, "Roll Video" and nothing plays. Looks a bit amateur.

If you're using video make sure you test it with the events team.


Challenge 3: Fonts Not Installed On Show Machine

I have a specific visual identity and the font I use for content is Monserrat. I forgot, Monserrat's not a standard font on all machines and probably won't be on the show machine. I didn't think about this until this morning, so I need to work with the show team to make sure my slides don't suck next week.

I've got a couple of options:

  • Everything is OK - fingers crossed
  • I quickly change all the fonts on the show machine deck
  • I install the font on the show machine,
  • I use my own laptop.


We'll see what happens, but I`m ready to solve the problem.

Dave Brailsford got a CBE for nailing his "marginal gains" philosophy with the British Cycling Team. All the small things add up. So here's my top tips that have saved me this week:


Top Tips

  • Ask questions to the event organisers. Understand what technology will be used and how it will be used. Don't assume your slide deck or demos will just work.
  • If you won't be using your own laptop (common at bigger events) work with the events team to test everything. They want you to succeed as much as you do.
  • Have backups. I will taking the following with me to the event:
    • Laptop with dongles to connect to displays with my deck on it, in case of issues.
    • I`ll have a USB stick with a copy of the decks in case anything is lost .
    • I`ll have physical notes on cards I can use.
    • I`m ready to deliver all sessions with no tech.


So there you go, the reality of marginal gains at a big conference.




Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  • Podcast:  The latest episode is "Social Mobility in Tech" with Neil Marley.  Check it out on the Elevated You website or on  Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts.
  • Technical Storytelling Essentials: Accelerate your career, increase your impact and influence people.  Affordably priced, world-class course digital course for individuals.
  • Technical Storytelling for Organisations: Programs designed to increase the impact of your team.  Inspire, develop and motivate your team to influence key stakeholders and generate action with your customers.